
Grade Reports/Transcripts: All academic and CEU grades are on file in the Office of Admissions & Records, where they are posted on your permanent record. No grades are offered for noncredit classes.

Official transcripts of work completed at SSU may be obtained from the Registrar, Sonoma State University. Call the Office of Admissions & Records at (707) 664-2778 for instructions on how to request a transcript by mail or follow the instructions here. If the transcript is to show results of the current semester's work, the request should specify "End of Semester Transcript." Please allow six weeks after the end of semester for grades to appear on your transcript.

  • Letter grades (A-F) are received for academic credit courses unless the course is taken for Credit/No Credit. Some academic courses are available for letter grade only, others for CR/NC. You should check with the instructor to determine if the course(s) for which you are registering can be taken on a CR/NC basis.
  • The Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) option is available in some classes at the discretion of the instructor. Instructors will discuss attendance, participation and other requirements for grade and/or CR/NC. In a course where CR/NC grading is optional, students must indicate the desire to be graded on a CR/NC basis at the time of registration and may not change from letter grade to CR/NC status after the first class meeting.
  • I (incomplete): At the initiation of yourself or the instructor, an incomplete grade (I) may be assigned when you are unable to complete the course requirements within the official period of the course. An incomplete must be made up within one calendar year from the end of the course.
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) classes receive only CR/NC, not letter grades. A grade of CR signifies attendance for all class hours.
  • Audit: SSU does not allow an audit option for any course.

Papers and Assignments

Papers, assignments, or class projects are held in the Extended Education office for 30 days only.