
The cost is $435/unit; you pay only for the units you take in a given semester. A full-time student with 12 units will pay $5,220 in a semester; a part-time student taking 8 units will pay $3,480. Costs are subject to change.

The cost is $435/unit; you pay only for the units you take in a given semester. A full-time student with 12 units will pay $5,220 in a semester; a part-time student taking 8 units will pay $3,480. *Costs are subject to change.

All courses taken at SSU to count toward the MA degree, are at the standard program fee rate. The fees as of Summer 2023 are $595 per unit; for each 8-unit Summer session, that comes to $4,760.

The fees for the FNP Certificate Program are $630/unit, amounting to $22,680 for the 36 units. Required books and materials come to around more than $1,000, for a total of around $24,000. Laboratory fees are included in the tuition.

Other costs include:

The current fee for each 10-unit course is $465 per unit, a total cost of $4,650 per semester, as of the Fall 2023 semester (subject to change).  Winter Intersession costs about $365 per unit.

The Organization Development program receives no State funding; it is operated on a fee-per-unit basis, currently $695 as of the Fall 2020 semester. Each 10-unit semester costs $6,950 for a total of $27,800.

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